Embracing the Journey

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Dr. Troy, a mother of two and an expert in educational neuroscience, specializes in dyslexia treatments. She holds a doctorate in education, is a researcher in neuroscience and reading disabilities, and a Nationally Board Certified teacher in early and middle literacy. Known for her tenacious, nurturing approach, Dr. Troy brings advanced dyslexia interventions into homes, making them accessible and practical for families.

Hi, I'm Dr. Troy

Embracing the Journey: How To Be The Best Advocate For Your Child with Dyslexia

Navigating the waters of parenting is a voyage of profound love and constant learning, particularly when your child is struggling with dyslexia. When faced with a child with dyslexia, your role evolves; you become more than a parent – you become a relentless advocate, a beacon of awareness in both your community and educational spheres.

Understanding Dyslexia

Dyslexia is not just a reading or writing challenge; it’s a different way of processing language, and it touches every aspect of a child’s life. Understanding dyslexia begins with dispelling the fog of misconceptions that surround it. It’s a neurological condition, not a reflection of intelligence or effort. Grasping this truth is the first step in becoming an effective dyslexia advocate.

Navigating the Educational System

Know Your Rights

Every child with dyslexia has the right to a supportive learning environment. Familiarize yourself with the legal frameworks that protect these rights, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Building Relationships

Forge alliances with teachers and school administrators. Your child’s educational journey with dyslexia is a collaborative effort. Approach discussions with empathy and clarity, and always keep the focus on your child’s unique needs.

IEPs and 504 Plans

Become well-versed in Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans. These are not just documents but lifelines that can be customized to support your dyslexic child’s learning path. They are tools of empowerment within the school system for every dyslexia advocate.

Advocacy at Home

Creating a Supportive Home Environment

Design a living space that celebrates your child’s strengths and accommodates their dyslexia. This nurturing environment becomes the foundation from which they can grow and explore their capabilities.

Literacy and Beyond

While promoting reading at home, recognize that literacy comes in various forms. Encourage storytelling, audiobooks, and creative expression, all of which enrich the dyslexic child’s learning experience.

Invest in a Neuroscience-Based Solution and Coaching

Take the leap of faith and invest in a neuroscience-based program that helps you help your child at home. Our 16-week program will teach and coach you through the steps you must take to greatly improve your child’s reading, writing and phonological awareness right at home. For more information on our program, register for our free webinar now. 

Advocacy in the School

Communication is Key

Maintain a dialogue with educators regarding your dyslexic child’s progress and needs. Regular communication ensures that everyone is aligned on the strategies and goals.

Volunteer and Get Involved

Your presence in the school community does not go unnoticed. It provides insight into your child’s daily educational experience and signals to them that they have a dedicated dyslexia advocate in their corner.

Educate the Educators

A dyslexia advocate knows the power of knowledge. Offer resources and suggest training for teachers that can deepen their understanding of dyslexia, fostering a more inclusive classroom environment.

Advocacy in the Community

Raising Public Awareness

As a dyslexia advocate, you have the power to illuminate the realities of dyslexia in the wider community. Host talks, share articles, and create events to spread knowledge and understanding.

Networking with Other Parents

Link arms with fellow parents of children with dyslexia. Together, you can share strategies, offer support, and amplify your advocacy efforts. Our clients love having a community of like-minded parents on the same journey with their kids. 

Share Your Experience

Dyslexia is said to impact 1 in 5 people; therefore, you probably know someone who has a child struggling with dyslexia. By sharing your experience, you are opening the doors of communication and community support. It is such a gift having a community of people who know exactly what you’re going through and can share their experiences with what helps and what doesn’t. 

Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Successes

Coping Strategies

Equip yourself with strategies to help your child manage setbacks. Remember, every small win is a step towards overcoming dyslexia, and each should be celebrated.

Success Stories

Let the triumphs of others fuel your journey. Sharing success stories of children who have navigated dyslexia successfully can be a source of inspiration and hope for your child.

As an advocate for your dyslexic child, you are their champion, their voice, and their fiercest ally. Your advocacy is a catalyst for change, not just in their individual lives but also within the broader educational and social landscape.

By informing, involving, and inspiring, you are not just navigating the currents of dyslexia — you are turning the tide. Your advocacy journey begins with knowledge and is sustained by the community. As you embrace this role, know that you are not alone. Together, we can create a world that understands and empowers every dyslexic child.

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